Who can help? Dear parents...
This was the appeal for help from the Grundschule Süd primary school in Radeberg to the parents of the childrens.

Every day in our daily business, we are talking often about teams, sometimes we name a group of people as a team. But what are the driving forces, which develop a group of people to one team?

KWD Portugal was able to double its production. The factory in Palmela now annually produces subassemblies for 500,000 vehicles manufactured in the Volkswagen Autoeuropa, Volkswagen Osnabrück, Seat Autoeuropa, Ford Valencia, and Mercedes Vitoria plants. This is the result of an investment of € 13 million in the course of the past 18 months. KWD Portugal acquired 58 robots for welding and gripping parts and hired 100 new employees. Currently, the factory in Palmela has 240 employees. It is one of six plants of the KWD Group ...

From January 21 to January 23, 2019, the largest job and vocational training fair opened its gates. And of course we were there again for the event.

On September 1, 2018, 31 motivated KWD employees from the Wolfsburg, Radeberg, and Dobrovice (CZ) plants struck out in search for adventure. They found it.
Our new location in Wolfsburg (Vogelsang) has been in operation since 5/1/2018
Our trainee trip this year took place under the motto of “sports”. We had the opportunity to experience the fascination of a Porsche and then to prove ourselves in whitewater rafting.