Corperate Values - KWD Spirit
The KWD Spirit, and the corporate values and standards of conduct defined in it, are guidelines for working methods, customer contacts and corporate management. They point the way for the actions and behaviour of all KWD employees worldwide and connect them with each other. They form the basis for decisions and consequently give common direction and orientation.
The KWD Spirit was not prescribed from above, but was developed with the involvement of employees at all levels and from all over the world in a long discussion process. As part of internal campaigns, the values are repeatedly discussed. Anyone who walks through the company building will find posters as high as a man, on which employees can comment on the values.
In the same way, the KWD Spirit has been modified several times in the past. However, its core was never changed.

Human rights and business ethics
The KWD Group is a globally active company. Social responsibility for people and the environment is a central aspect of our corporate identity. The KWD Group's commitment to sustainability and social responsibility is reflected in its products and services. An essential component of our guiding vision move2future is to become one of the leading suppliers of sustainable car bodies by 2030.
Our understanding and our human rights governance processes are based on the following international human rights reference instruments to which we are committed:
- The International Bill of Human Rights, i.e. the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well as the Civil and Social Covenants, which define civil, political and social rights to which all people are entitled for the purpose of their human dignity.
- The core labour standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO) with their four basic principles on freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, the elimination of forced and child labour and the prohibition of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
Do you have a question or want to tell us something?
In its Code of Conduct, the Schnellecke/KWD Group is committed to business ethics, fairness in competition, integrity in business transactions, avoiding conflicts of interest, ensuring fair working conditions and respecting human rights. These ethical values are the benchmark for our actions.
Our whistleblower system offers you various options and channels for reporting potential misconduct, violations of the Code of Conduct for Business Partners, or human rights and environmental risks and violations in our supply chain.
Do you have specific information about a compliance violation that affects a company in the Schnellecke Group or our supply chain? Then help us to investigate this suspicion and report the details at:
By email:
By phone:
+49 5361 301 330
Via the anonymous online reporting channel:
By post or in person:
Schnellecke Group AG & Co. KG
Compliance Office
Stellfelder Str. 39
38442 Wolfsburg
You can also submit the notification directly to your authority.
The Whistleblower Protection Act stipulates that you can also use an authority appointed by the German Federal Government for reports. In this case, please contact the whistleblower centre of the Federal Office of Justice at: Whistleblowing
The law on the protection of whistleblowers stipulates that you can also contact a body designated by the Spanish government to submit complaints (Servicio Nacional de coordinación antifraude, de la Intervención General de la Administración del Estado). In this case, please contact the whistleblower centre at the following address: Whistleblowing