On September 1, 2018, 31 motivated KWD employees from the Wolfsburg, Radeberg, and Dobrovice (CZ) plants struck out in search for adventure. They found it.

On September 1, the time had finally come. This single day had been the object of huge anticipation and was now ready to be experienced. Weeks of mental and physical preparations were finally going to pay off and the queasy feeling of the unknown awaited us. The day was perfect, and, with 31 “mudders” from Wolfsburg, Dobrovice, and Radeberg, we were ready to brave 9 km with a total of 13 meter-high wall obstacles and countless tons of mud bearing imposing names like “Kiss of Mud”, “Block Ness Monster”, and “Everest 2.0”.
Even the final obstacle, “Pyramid Scheme”, proved no match for our skillful team, and together we crossed the finish line with beaming faces. What a day it was! And still the buzz has not died down. After all, we all know – we were in it together.
Editor: Diana Friedrich Korn (KWD Radeberg)